Frequently Asked Questions

Most questions can be answered by these FAQ. If you're still stuck after that, please check our other support options.

You can use these templates with any Dialogflow-enabled conversational experience. Whether you use just Dialogflow and it's native integrations, Dialogflow with Janis for AI management, or Dialogflow connected to any other chat or voice bot making tool. You don't need to be a Janis subscriber or use Janis software to benefit from any of these templates.

Each template is a collection of pre-trained Dialogflow Intents and Entities. The responses are default text responses inside of the Intents and you will want to edit the responses. Often you will see our templates demonstrated with another platform connected to deliver responses such as Manychat or Chatfuel. You would need to create your own dynamic, rich media responses, whether you connect another bot making tool, use Dialogflow native rich media response types, or use Dialogflow fulfillment and connect to a database or other external tool.

No, we only provide the templates. If you need an expert to customize your templates or build you a bot, you can look for one in our Facebook group by posting your request.

Yes. You are free to edit, publish, re-publish, re-format, enhance, modify, and re-use our templates for an unlimited number of bots. You are not permitted to sell or re-sell this Dialogflow template on its own. It needs to be incorporated into a product such as a chatbot.

If you have any questions, you can email [email protected].

Additional Resources

  1. Take a Dialogflow Basics Course
  2. 9 Ways To Make Your Dialogflow Agents More Reliable
  3. Setting realistic expectations for automated conversations powered by NLP
  4. Best Practices for Managing Dialogflow Intents